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The Team

Who We Are

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Melodie Greyeyes


Melodie Greyeyes joined CMJ Canada in 2016 when she and her husband established a CMJ Prayer group for the greater Edmonton area of Alberta.  She joined the Board of Directors in 2018 and was appointed National Director on January 1, 2021.  Melodie is a member of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, is mother to four beautiful children, and is business manager in the family small business.


Melodie has a passion to share the power of the gospel with the Indigenous People of Canada and has ministered to children in foster care, in street ministry, and in Church discipleship groups.  While on tour in Israel in 2014, God revealed the prophetic scriptures regarding Israel’s role in His redemptive plan for the world.  Since then, the LORD has revealed the significant connection between the Indigenous Peoples of the world and His First Born, Israel, and how He wants Canada to respond.  She is passionate to encourage the body of Messiah in Canada to be a blessing to Israel which will result in revival in Canada, and usher in the second coming of our Messiah!

Gavin Howell

Gavin Howell owns and operates a company called Horizon Arborist.  His profession provides a clear understanding of Biblical teaching of pruning fruit trees, removing dead branches, and being grafted into the Olive Tree.


He received the revelation of Israel when his wife, Melodie Greyeyes, returned from her tour to Israel in 2014.  Understanding God’s plan for Israel has awakened him to the exciting time and season in which we have the privilege to live!


Gavin has since been to Israel several times.  In 2017 and 2018 he served on a Kibbutz by climbing and pruning 50-60ft palm trees while overlooking the Jordan Valley and the Sea of Galilee.  This vantage point gave him a bird’s eye view of the fulfillment of the prophetic Word as he saw fruitful orchards and vineyards as declared in Amos 9:11.


Gavin is passionate to share the message of God’s faithfulness to His Word and to awaken the Church in Canada to our prophetic calling to Israel.

Line Fortier


Born in a small French community in Quebec but growing up with a father in the armed forces, gave me the great privilege to travel and learn English.  I came to know the Lord during the Jesus Revolution and Charismatic era, married and had 3 great boys.  My husband and I were awakened to the relevance and the importance of the Jewish people and the State of Israel through reading the scriptures and connecting with the Jewish people through some believers.  This led us to host Shabbats for several years, at which point we met Gavin and Melodie.  We also had the great privilege to volunteer with YWAM in Israel for a summer where we made some amazing connections and learned more about the beautiful land of Israel. Our hearts were captured! 

Linda Reijnders

Linda was born and raised in South Africa and moved to Canada in 2015 with André Reijnders.


Since having toured and lived in Israel, Linda is growing in appreciation and awe of the significance of Israel and its People.  In 1980 she made pilgrimage to Jerusalem for Succoth.  This first of its kind Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated at the Anglican School, Jerusalem.


André and Linda were married in 1981, lived in two scenic coastal towns in South Africa, and were involved with various aspects of church life.  They attended prayer groups for Israel and continued to love and support Israel. 


After arriving in Canada, André & Linda met Gavin & Melodie and subsequently attended CMJ prayer meetings for Israel.  Linda became a member of CMJ Canada in 2021 and was appointed to the Board the following year.


Linda’s passion to comfort and stand in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish People in their claim to Jerusalem and The Land has not wavered, but rather grown through the years.  She is eager to support Israel and His precious People through the work of CMJ Canada.

André Reijnders

André was born and raised in South Africa and moved to Canada in 2015 with Linda Reijnders.


André served in the Telecommunication industry for 28 years.  He worked in two picturesque coastal towns in South Africa and volunteered in various aspects of church life.


Since having met Linda, André’s interest in and understanding of the importance and relevance of the State of Israel and its People grew.  André supports and prays for Israel and His People and keeps up to date with current events.  A highlight was when André and Linda went to Israel to celebrate its 60th birthday in 2008. 


After moving to Canada and being introduced to Gavin & Melodie and later praying with their group for Israel, André became a member of CMJ Canada in 2021.  He was appointed to the Board in 2022. 


André is enthusiastic to be part of CMJ Canada and help fulfill its mission to love, support and comfort His People.

Brad Smith


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