Our Mission
To reconcile believers with God’s heart and purpose for Israel (Romans 11) through:
Study and educating believers on:
the Hebraic roots of our Faith,
the biblical understanding of the place of Israel, and
a theological and prophetic approach to the Land.
Supporting the Jewish People according to the Scriptures by:
combatting antisemitism, and
praying for Israel.
Sharing the fullness of the Gospel with both Jew and Gentile.
Our Values
We honor Israel as God’s covenant nation.
We value relationship and love in action.
We value education as a means to bring unity of the faith.
We value understanding the “Big Picture” of God’s unfolding plan of redemption as revealed in scripture from Genesis to Revelation.
We value that Jews and Gentiles each have a unique calling and purpose.
We value the restoration of the Hebraic roots of our Christian faith.
We value discipleship.
We value outreach to the Jewish People.

Statement of Faith
God is Trinitarian – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Son of God who died for the sins of the whole world and rose again that all who repent and believe might be reconciled to God and have new and eternal life in Him.
By grace we are saved through faith, it is a gift of God lest any should boast.
He is Messiah, both Lord and Savior of the World.
The Holy Spirit:
enables the transforming life of Christ in believers,
empowers believers to be witnesses of Jesus,
gives spiritual gifts for effective ministry,
grows the fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22) in believers.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness that the people of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
The Gospel was first preached to Abraham as God promised to make a great Nation through whom all Nations of the world would be blessed. (Gal. 3:8)
The Jewish roots of our faith are significant.
The Church as the Body of Christ whose members belong to redeemed humanity are called to live in the world in the power of the Spirit, confessing His truth, worshiping God, proclaiming
Christ risen, showing the love of God to all and helping those in need.
The Gospel, the power of God unto salvation, is to be preached to the Jew first and also the Gentile as revealed in Scripture. (Rom. 1:16)
The Church is to reveal the “One New Man” – Jew and Gentile together in Christ. (Eph. 3)
Jesus Christ will return at the appointed time, as judge of all.
Christians of all denominations support the ministry of CMJ both historically and currently. Our focus is the Kingdom of God which transcends any denominational barriers.